donderdag 3 september 2015

Opportunities in life

Since I went to Kosove I realize myself regularly that the opportunities we get in life are often not based on our abilities, on how hard we work nor on our ambitions. Mostly the changes we get in life are based on where, in this world, we were born. Something that is not our choice, but our fate. It regularly confounds me that we, in any case in the Netherlands, seem to find it plain that we get more opportunities because we were born in a wealthy and prosperous country than others who where born in a poor country or in a country where war rages. It makes me truly sad when I hear people mention refugees are adventurers who should have no right to our facilities. We are all humans, born on earth, we should all have the same rights and opportunities. I know this is asking to much. But at least we should try to help each other and share with each other instead of keep people away from opportunities because of something they have not chosen.

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